Holy Week 2023
Palm Sunday Worship Service
Click on the 3 stacked lines on the upper right corner to see the playlist of the
other services.
Easter Vigil Worship Service
Easter Sunday Worship Service
Observing Holy Week April 2-9
This week trains us spiritually to know that every emotion we have has already been felt by Christ. It reminds us that when we fall into the depth of those experiences ourselves that Jesus has been in them, and is in them with us. It also reminds us that none of the painful experiences or emotions are the final word - not even death. At the end of Holy Week, we live the truth of the resurrection.
We begin Holy Week with the Palm Sunday procession and enter into the mystery of the Passion. This year, we will continue that procession throughout the week - just as Jesus journeyed to the cross, so we also will journey from place to place to experience this most holy week in new ways with our partner congregations.
Palm Sunday 2023
After three years, we were finally able to celebrate the Liturgy of the Palms outside and together!
April 6 - Maundy Thursday 7:00pm - Eucharist with footwashing at St. Lawrence, followed by a traditional agape dinner (125 W Church St, Libertyville)
Link to let St Lawrence know you will be staying for the dinner
April 7 - Good Friday 7:00pm - Solemn liturgy at Trinity with Communion from the Reserved Sacrament (425 Laurel Ave., Highland Park)
April 8 - Easter Vigil 7:00pm - Eucharist at StGs
the primary liturgy of our church (Holy Saturday) year with special presentations from combined youth and the Better Together choir, plus a baptism!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 3985 4853, Passcode: 483001
Easter Sunday 9:30am (as usual!) - exuberant Eucharist service
with special music (brass, percussion, big choir!) and flowers
Our Normal Sunday Zoom Service
Meeting ID: 842 861 148; Password: 414299