Living Our Faith in the World
Although we cannot gather in person and we continue to stay safe at home, there are still ways we can live our faith in our community and the wider world.
- 50 Days of Hope and Joy: Easter is celebrated for 50 days, and we are sharing stories that give us hope and inspire us every day during Easter to continue to shine light to a hurting world. Share your stories on Social Media with the hashtag #stg50daysofhope, or email us your stories and we will share them. We would love to highlight stories from 50 members throughout the season.
- Blessed Essentials – Jesus talks often about those who are blessed because of their vulnerability and willingness to give. Let’s join together to let Essential Workers know they are loved. If you have some time and are willing to share messages of love with Essential workers, email Mother Anne – there are MANY ways we can do this, so all are welcome!
- Provide Food – Red Bag Sunday has traditional been the first Sunday of the month at St. G's, and although we don't want you to go the grocery stores, Food Pantries are struggling to keep up with increasing demand at a time of distancing, so are relying more heavily on gift cards and shopping themselves. Donate online. West Deerfield Township Food Pantry
- We provide meals to people through Community Meals every 5-6 weeks in Waukegan. Now we are preparing meals to go and handing them out safely instead of cooking and serving a hot meal in a dining area. Coming dates to serve and provide pre-packaged desserts will be available in our Upcoming Events page.
Share Faith, Serve the World
Radiates God's Grace, Equipping All People to Change the World
- Give to Episcopal Charities - Episcopal Charities are all working safely to meet the needs of people in the Chicagoland area. They have many specific needs, as well as financial needs. If you would like to help them, please see their extensive list of needs: Episcopal Diocese of Chicago
- Write notes of Hope – There are many people in the Deerfield area who could use notes of encouragement and hope. If you are willing to write notes, please let us know. [email protected]
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