Where is StGs, and how do I get around once I'm there?
We are at the northeast corner of the intersection of Deerfield and Wilmot Roads, roughly two miles directly west of the center of town in Deerfield, about a half a mile east of the Tri-State tollway, and about a mile north of the boundaries of Lake and Cook Counties.
Which door do I enter?
We have a remarkably large number of doors for a smallish building, but happily, none of them are "the wrong door."
For mobility impaired, the most direct door faces Wilmot Road to the West, and there is parking along the side of the drive. This door also takes you in to the back of our worship space, so it is the most inconspicuous entrance if you want to just slip in.
The most direct door from the parking lot in the back is the Chapel door (the furtherst door to the right), and this takes you into the side of our worship space where our families with small-ish children tend to congregate in the Prayground.
Is StG's wheelchair accessible?
Partially. The west door (see the answer immediately above) is ramped, but the door does not have an automatic opening device. We are working to replace this door with a fully accessible door. Until then, if the door isn't propped open (weather permitting), knock when you arrive and an usher will open the door for you.
Who are we at StGs?
Do I have to believe in God (or be a Christian) to attend?
No! EVERYONE is welcome. (Link to our Welcome Statement.) As practitioners of faith, we are all exploring our belief and how we live it. Come explore with us.
Can I participate if I was baptized in a different church?
Absolutely! You can participate in most of our service if you aren't baptized. We believe that baptism is how we choose to enter the community in Christ, so it doesn't define you as a member of a particular church. All baptized Christians are invited to receive Communion, and no, we don't check baptismal cards when you receive. :)
Am I still welcomed at church if I haven't been to services in quite a while?
You are especially welcome at church if you haven't been to services in quite a while, or have never been - and you won't be the only one. Come as you are, and participate as you are interested or able. If you want to ease in quietly, you can always come in the back door. We promise, we won't single anyone out! (
Link to our Welcome Statement.)
What door do I enter?
We have a remarkably large number of doors for a smallish building, but happily, none of them are "the wrong door." For mobility impaired, the most direct door faces Wilmot Road to the West, and there is parking along the side of the drive. This door also takes you in to the back of our worship space, so it is the most inconspicuous entrance if you want to just slip in. The most direct door from the parking lot in the back is the Chapel door (the furtherst door to the right), and this takes you into the side of our worship space where our families with small-ish children tend to congregate in the
Does StG’s have a lot of standing and sitting?
The Episcopal Church's service does involve a good bit of standing and sitting, and some kneeling as well. We believe that using our full bodies in worship helps us engage more with the service and with God. However, feel free to stand or sit or kneel as you are interested or able.You are free to do or not do anything you are able or feels right to you.
How do I participate if I have limited mobility?
You are absolutely free to participate as you desire, and to the extent that your mobility permits.There are many people who choose to sit for the whole service. Do let an usher know if you would like Communion brought to your seat, and we are delighted to do so.
Am I expected to sing with hymns?
No, but you're welcome to! We firmly believe that singing falls under the umbrella of "make a joyful noise," regardless of your skill - even if it's more noise and less music. Music is printed in the bulletins, so you can follow along easily without having to flip pages in the hymnals!
Can I join the choir?
Absolutely! The only pre-requisite for singing with the choir is a love of raising your voice in worship through song! No auditions or special skills needed... come as you are. You also don't have to "join" the choir to sing any Sunday - come as often or as sporadically as you'd like! We welcome any person that shows up to the pre-service choir rehearsal! If you'd like more info, please email our music minister, Kathryn (
[email protected]). If you'd like, she can add you to the monthly choir mailing list where you'll get a schedule of the music that's planned for upcoming weeks (along with pdfs and practice mp3s), so you can choose which Sundays you might like to sing.
Do I have to take communion?
Any baptized person is welcome to receive communion in any Episcopal church anywhere, but there is no obligation to receive communion (or any other sacrament) for any one at any time. Everyone is invited to the altar for a blessing, even if they aren't receiving Communion. Just cross your arms over your chest for a blessing instead of the bread and wine. Staying in your seat is also perfectly fine!
Is there gluten-free communion?
We have Eucharist in the form of gluten-free bread, and strive to avoid contamination with gluten bread. Just ask the clergy person who is distributing the bread. Or, if you prefer, you may receive in the form of wine only - we believe that receiving Communion in one form (bread or wine) is full Communion.
Is it OK to take only the bread for communion if we are living a sober lifestyle?
Absolutely! We believe that receiving Communion in one form (bread or wine) is full Communion.
Is StG’s a welcoming space for the LGBTQ+ community?
EVERYONE is welcome at StGs because we believe everyone is fully beloved by God. We acknowledge that all churches say they are "welcoming churches", and we also know this is a particular gift of StGs - we are a warm, open, casual, hospitable community. We can't wait to meet you. (Link to our Welcome Statement.)
Is there a charge? Can I make a donation?
There is no charge, and you are welcome to make a donation or not make one as you see fit. We do rely on donations to continue our ministries. (
Link to our Donate Page.)
Events at St Gs
Can I join the bible study if I miss the first session?
Usually, yes! It is always good to contact the leader of the study to see if there are materials to make up.
Are most events only available to members of StGs?
All events are open to anyone who wants to participate - you are welcome!
Am I RSVP’ing too late to still join?
Most events don't require RSVPs, and those that do almost always have extra space.
Can I contact the deacon if I just want to talk?
The deacon loves to talk with people and hear their stories. (
Link to Contact Us.) If you would like to speak with a priest, the deacon can connect you with one of the clergy members of our Better Together partner parishes.
How do I get someone on the prayer list?
Click here to add someone to our prayer list. Please make sure they are ok being added.
How do I get the newsletter?
Click here to be added to the newsletter and to read past issues.