And Jesus said,
“Let the little children come to me,
and do not stop them;
for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.”
Matthew 19:14

Prayground Chapel

As Jesus did, we welcome children of all ages as integral members of the Body of Christ, and we welcome the sounds and activity that accompany their worship. We believe that being in church helps kids learn how to pray, listen, and sing, while they strengthen their relationship with God. We provide a special space in our worship space called the Prayground, where children aren’t expect to sit still but to wiggle and engage their hands and minds in different activities as they worship among us.

The Prayground is designed for children. It is also situation close to the front, so children and parents have a good view of what’s going on up front.

In the Prayground, children are invited to

  • Color a beautiful coloring page that focuses on that day’s scripture.

  • Draw whatever their imaginations desire on big paper with plenty of crayons and markers.

  • Grab a book from our extensive bookcase and relax on one of the rocking chairs.

  • Play make-believe with the soft toys provided.

Each Sunday, the Prayground is supervised by an adult called the Shepherd, who is there to support you and your children during worship. The Shepherd can answer any of your questions about our programs. They will also lead the children to the Blessed Little Adventures classroom after the service.

Supporting Children in Worship

In addition to making use of the Prayground, we offer the following tips for families with young children.

  • Sit close to the front. Children are more engaged when they can see what is going on.

  • During hymns, sing with your child and help them follow the music.

  • During the Lord’s Prayer, hold hands as a family.

  • If your child is in 3rd grade or older, consider signing up for one of the liturgical ministries, which are jobs that help make our worship happen. We especially recommend children to become acolytes, who get to wear special robes, lead our processions, and assist the clergy at the altar. Children can also serve as readers and greeters. If interested, contact Pastor Dan.